Since we built the pergola walkway in November 2017, we’ve had mixed success with the plants we’ve used to cover it. It’s pleasing that the range of plants that are there now, consisting of ivies, clematis, and evergreen jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) seem to be happy enough and are starting to cover the structure nicely.

We went on a narrow boat holiday in July along the Droitwitch Canal network. Whilst walking and running along the tow paths, I was struck by how many wildflowers there were, and how beautiful they looked.

I came across a few sweet window display ideas whilst on our travels this summer.
We visited Loseley Park Gardens in July. I think my favourite section was the ‘White Garden’, in particular I liked the vernonicastrum and white eryngium thistle.
We visited the Lost Gardens of Heligan when on holiday in Cornwall in July, I enjoyed the dell the most which had raised board walk pathways and was full of tree ferns and dense foliage.

We visited Arundel Castle Gardens in August and were most impressed with the structure of the spaces. The theatricality of the garden overall was also really impressive. It had the best example of a rose garden that I’ve seen.
In August we also went to Wisley. As always the tropical garden was such a delight. Since its inception a few years ago some if it is really maturing now. I like how it’s structured around simple concentric circles; it feels that there are loads of paths to walk down but it’s actually quite a compact garden. It’s a clever use of space for sure. Once of my favourite plants was a Musa Lasiocarpa, commonly known as Chinese yellow banana. You can see it in the bottom left photo in the grid below. I loved the blue/green shade of the leaves.
We stayed at ‘The Pig‘ in Brockenhurst in August and I was really impressed with the grounds. We stayed in the old stables and the courtyard was particularly lovely. The lavender hedging was a magnet for the bees and swayed beautifully in the breeze.
The cannas and crocosmia tubers/cormes which I planted into pots in March provided some nice foliage interest this year, although maybe due to the extreme heat the crocosmia foliage browned quite quickly. I think I’ll transfer these cormes into the ground for next years display. The canna flowers were beautiful but brief. With larger tubers next year I would expect a longer flowering period.
At the beginning of the season I bought 6 different types of pelargoniums from Sarah Raven. Although they didn’t flower that well this year, they all put on quite a bit of growth. I’ve since potted them into bigger containers and am hopeful for next years display.
We visited Parham gardens in September on a most glorious day with blue sky and abundant birdsong. Such a joy. I really admired the penstemons in the walled garden, particularly the plum coloured variety.
The succulents have really enjoyed their location in the greenhouse. I potted on quite a few of them that had outgrown the containers they were in.
We tied in the rose at the front of the house – it’s put on a lot of growth this year and i’m looking forwards to seeing how this performs in 2023.
I was really happy with the pot display at the front of the house this year. I think the different forms, texture and shades of green look really effective combined. Now that some of the plants are more mature I think the balance is also better between the pots.
Wonderful update Guy with absolutely beautiful photos.
Love Den
Thanks Denise! x
It looks really good now – the whole garden, front and back. Great photos! xx
Thanks mum x